Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Greene County Sheriff announces retirement of canine deputy/Live PD star Lor

(From the Greene County Sheriff's Office)

The Greene County Sheriff’s Office announces the retirement of canine Deputy Lor.

Canine Lor came to the United States from Czechoslovakia and started his law enforcement career with the Greene County Sheriff’s Office in 2010.

Lor is a dual purpose dog trained in narcotics detection and patrol apprehension. Throughout his career, Lor has assisted the DEA, US Postal Inspector, US Customs and Border Protection, ATF, Missouri State Highway Patrol, SWAT, local task forces, county sheriffs, city police departments, and his very own agency in locating hundreds of thousands of dollars in narcotics and hundreds of wanted persons.

Lor had approximately 2,000 deployments in his career. He used his amazing tracking/trailing skills on many occasions to locate missing or lost kids and adults as well as violent suspects. 

Lor repeatedly assisted in locating weapons used during the commission of crimes in addition to other evidence needed in investigations. 

During his patrol service, Lor has also reduced the risk of harm to officers and the public countless times, often with his mere presence and a warning bark or two, other times by physically apprehending violent suspects.

Lor served as an ambassador in our local community and has spent thousands of hours in schools with children of all ages and at community outreach events. He has brought joy during visits to sick children in local hospitals and has also made appearances at children’s birthday parties whenever possible. 

Lor has spent countless hours demonstrating the abilities and functions of law enforcement dogs for our community.

In 2018, at the age 10, Lor appeared regularly on the LivePD television series. Lor is now recognized and adored by LivePD fans all over the country.

Although Lor would like to keep working, he has reached an age where continued service would be detrimental to his health. Lor will be retiring into comfortable civilian life with his handler James, who is also leaving law enforcement for a security position at a local amusement park.

In his retirement, Lor is looking forward to a quiet existence outside of the spotlight with plenty of long walks, lots of rest, and an occasional trip to Andy’s for a frozen custard cone.

We know that Lor has a lot of friends however, he has asked for nothing larger than a small retirement event with a few of his co-workers. In lieu of gifts, please feel free to make a donation in Lor’s name to a local animal rescue.

We thank Lor for his dedication and lifelong public service. His presence at the Greene County Sheriff’s Office will be greatly missed.


Two murders that shocked southwest Missouri- two children, two small towns changed forever. Lost Angels: The Murders of Rowan Ford and Doug Ringler is available in paperback and e-book formats from Amazon.

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