Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Springfield City Council hears results of street and intersection pedestrian safety study

(From the City of Springfield)

Over the past year, five pedestrians have been killed on Springfield streets. It’s a number that City staff and City Council would like to reduce to zero. At the request of City Council, the City of Springfield has concluded a study examining pedestrian safety on Springfield streets and intersections in particular, to better understand what can be done to address the issue.
“With the number of pedestrian-involved crashes and fatalities continuing to grow on Springfield streets over the past decade, the City is seeking ways to curb the trend,” said Public Works Traffic Engineer Eric Claussen. The start of the study came in conjunction with the 2017 launch of the SGF Yields campaign aimed to increase education and awareness of pedestrian safety.
As a complement to the SGF Yields program, the City contracted with St. Louis traffic engineering and transportation planning firm CBB to investigate pedestrian safety issues in the City and provide recommendations.
The report conclusively demonstrates that arterial roadways with higher speeds, higher traffic volumes and narrow medians present a heightened potential for dangers for both pedestrians and motorists.
CBB recommendations urge special care be given to regulating pedestrian access in streets and intersections with speeds of 35 mph or greater, traffic volumes greater than 15,000 vehicles per day or median widths less than 6 feet.
According to traffic safety industry guidelines, the minimum protected median width is 6 feet. This length is based on the length of a motorized wheelchair or person pushing a stroller and provides protection from such concerns as vehicle overhang, ADA access and pedestrian trips and falls.
To facilitate safety for pedestrians and motorists alike. CBB recommendations state that pedestrians should only be allowed in the roadway when:
  • They remain in designated pedestrian areas where motorists reasonably expect them to be located (sidewalks and crosswalks)
  • There is temporary traffic control set up to warn drivers that pedestrians will be present (maintenance or special events)
  • Using particular roadways that sustain low traffic volumes and speeds and are designated as shared spaces for both motorists and pedestrians
  • They use temporary pedestrian refuge as part of the process of crossing a road

It is anticipated that an ordinance will be brought forward at the Nov. 27 City Council Meeting which proposes enhanced regulation informed by the safety report recommendations.

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