Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Springfield Police Department issues annual report

(From the Springfield Police Department)

The Springfield Police Department has completed an annual report that highlights the department’s activities during 2016.

In his opening message in the report, Police Chief Paul Williams reminds readers that the law enforcement profession is a calling. It is a calling that puts men and women in danger on a daily basis; 144 men and women tragically died in the line of duty nationwide in 2016. This has not stopped officers of the Springfield Police Department to continue to bravely and selflessly protect and serve the citizens of Springfield. “The citizens of Springfield can, and should, be proud of their police department and of each of the officers who have been chosen to wear the badge,” said Williams.

Although several domestic violence awareness and prevention initiatives are in full swing, reported domestic assaults and the significance of this crime as a community issue in Springfield are at an all-time high. For this reason, the problem remains a top priority for the Department. Much of the Department’s time was also devoted to address public safety concerns that were expressed by citizens as part of the City of Springfield’s Zone Blitz initiative. Also, a valuable partnership with Walmart proved to be successful as incidents of crime involving the retail establishments began to decline due to the implementation of crime prevention techniques suggested by the SPD. The success of investigative operations, the community’s engagement in SPD’s outreach initiatives, and the promotions and awards received by department staff throughout the year are also detailed in the report.

The SPD encourages citizens to review the report, and welcomes feedback via the SPD website.

2016 Annual Report (pdf)

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