Wednesday, June 5, 2019

Springfield Police release results of "Click It or Ticket" campaign

(From the Springfield Police Department)

The Springfield Police Department joined efforts with statewide law enforcement from May 20 to June 2, 2019, and participated in the Click It or Ticket Campaign. Officers doing traffic enforcement placed an emphasis on the importance of wearing seat belts. Officers issued 20 citations for no seat belts and 78 citations for other traffic-related offenses.

In 2018, 63% of vehicle occupant fatalities were unbuckled and 5,595 people were killed or seriously injured on Missouri roadways.

Missouri occupant’s seat belt use has remained relatively unchanged in the last six years and consistently below the national average. Missouri has an 87% seat belt use, which is well below the national average of 90 percent.

Driving without a seatbelt in Springfield is a primary traffic offense and drivers can be pulled over for not buckling up.

Always buckle up - everyone, every trip, every time and arrive alive.

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